Vanuatu citizenship by investment
The Vanuatu citizenship program was launched in 2017 and has since attracted hundreds of investors due to its transparency and speed of process.
Processing time

1-3 months

Min. investment

$130 000

Passport validity

10 years

Visa-free countries


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Benefits of Vanuatu citizenship by investment program

Fast and Easy Processing

The average processing time for a Vanuatu passport is 1-3 months


Long-term Validity

The passport is issued for 10 years, with renewals every 10 years, ensuring long-term stability and convenience


Family Inclusion Benefits

Allows for inclusion of family members from 3 generations, making it ideal for extended families


Tax-friendly regime

No personal income tax, corporate tax, capital gains tax, inheritance tax, or gift tax


Security provisions for your family

Secures easy access for your family members during global crises and emergencies


Cost Optimization

Using utility bills from Vanuatu can reduce registration costs for services and exchanges



Global Mobility

Vanuatu offers simplified entry to 125 countries, including visa-free access to Singapore and Hong Kong


Business-Friendly Environment

Vanuatu ranks 107th globally for ease of doing business, with simplified regulations and an online company registration system


Sustainable Energy Initiatives

Vanuatu aims to achieve 100% renewable energy by 2030, creating lucrative opportunities for investors in clean energy projects

Visa-free travel with a Vanuatu Passport

Freedom of movement: 125 countries

56 Visa-Free countries

  • Singapore, Hong Kong, Israel and other countries

32 Visa-on-Arrival countries

  • Mauritius, Jordan and other countries

37 eVisa/eTA countries

  • United Arab Emirates, Australia, India, South Korea and other countries

Long-term visa

  • USA
Full list of visa-free countries
Read the article
Eligible family members and Requirements

Main applicant: must be over 18 years old, without serious illnesses, and provide a clean source of funds

Spouse: legally married

Children under 25 years old: unmarried and financially dependent on the main applicant

Parents over 55 years old: financially dependent on the main applicant

Requirements for all family members:

  • No criminal convictions
  • No EU visa refusals, deportations, or visa rule violations
  • Not a politically exposed person (PEP)

Possibility to include: 3 generations of family

Future addition of family members: allowed

Inheritability: allowed

Language proficiency: not required

Presence for application submission: required

Residency in the country: not required

Interview with government: not required

Use of sponsor funds: permitted

Required documents

  • Police clearance certificate
  • Passport
  • National ID
  • Affidavit of source of funds
  • 12 months personal Bank statements
  • Curriculum Vitae
There are 3 investment options for obtaining Vanuatu citizenship
Option 1. Donation to the government fund

Investment from $130 000

  • Non-refundable one-time donation to the Vanuatu Development Support Program
  • The donation amount varies based on the number of dependents included in the application

Advantages of the investment option

  • Funds allocated to the local government fund are used to strengthen the economy and improve living standards, including infrastructure development
  • The procedure is easier and simpler than investing in the Capital Investment Immigration Plan, with no third-party involvement and no additional contracts
  • Suitable for investors looking for a quick and relatively simple way to obtain citizenship with minimal investment and documentation requirements
Cost of citizenship via Donation to the government fund
Single investorInvestor and spouseInvestor, spouse and 2 childrenInvestor, spouse, 1 child, and 2 parents
Minimal Investment

$130 000

$150 000

$180 000

$195 000

Due Diligence Fees

$5 000

$5 000

$5 000

$5 000


$135 000

$155 000

$185 000

$200 000

Option 2. Investment in the Coconut Oil Future Fund

Investment from $157 000

  • Investment includes a non-refundable donation and $50 000 in the CNO Future Fund, which is redeemable after 5 years
  • The CNO Future Fund focuses on the sustainable development of the coconut oil sector in Vanuatu, contributing to renewable energy goals

Advantages of the investment option

  • Opportunity to receive $50 000 after 5 years
  • Expected annual capital appreciation of around 4-5%, providing potential financial returns alongside citizenship
  • Supports local economic growth and job creation, aligning with global climate action commitments
Cost of citizenship via Investment in the CNO Future Fund
Single investorInvestor and spouseInvestor, spouse and 2 childrenInvestor, spouse, 1 child, and 2 parents
Minimal Investment

$157 000

$157 000

$157 000

$182 000

Due Diligence Fees

$8 000

$8 000

$8 000

$8 000


$165 000

$165 000

$165 000

$190 000

Option 3. Investment in the Cocoa Development Fund

Investment from $150 000

  • Investment includes a non-refundable donation and $50 000 in the Cocoa Development Fund, which is redeemable after 4 years
  • The Cocoa Development Fund aims to enhance the quality and quantity of cocoa production, supporting the Vanuatu Government’s National Cocoa Strategy

Advantages of the investment option

  • Guarantees a return of the $50,000 principal amount after 4 years, with potential capital appreciation due to rising global cocoa demand
  • Сontributes to the sustainability of the cocoa sector, ensuring long-term benefits for the local community and economy
Cost of citizenship via Investment in the Cocoa Development Fund
Single investorInvestor and spouseInvestor, spouse and 2 childrenInvestor, spouse, 1 child, and 2 parents

Minimal Investment

$150 000

$150 000

$150 000

$175 000

Due Diligence Fees

$5 500

$5 500

$5 500

$5 500


$155 500

$155 500

$155 500

$180 500

Request an individual quotation for the program

We will create a personalized estimate based on your family composition and the investment option you are interested in. We will help you compare the different investment options and select the most suitable one for you.

Request a quotation
Application Process (step-by-step)
Step 1. Onboarding and Investment Selection

Duration: 1-2 days


1. Complimentary review of your documentation for immigration service compliance.

2. Opportunity to select the investment options.




Outcome: Background check and contract agreement with Migronis


Step 2. Document Preparation and Submission to the Vanuatu Citizenship Commission

Duration: Up to 1 week


1. Comprehensive document preparation managed by our team, including notarization, translations, and apostilles.

2. Submission of the complete package to the Vanuatu Citizenship Commission.

3. Ongoing monitoring of your application progress.


Outcome: Confirmation of documents received by the Vanuatu government


Step 3. Due Diligence and Investment Process

Duration: 4-6 weeks


1. Due Diligence Process is initiated upon receipt of all documents by the citizenship agency, including verifying applicant and family information, and a oath, which can be completed remotely.

2. The legal team handles any additional document requests.

3. Approved applicants must fulfill investment requirements and settle associated fees within 90 days.


Outcome: Successful completion of due diligence and investment fulfillment

Step 4. Case Approval and Citizenship Acquisition

Duration: 1-2 months


1. Await a favorable decision, which will be communicated to you promptly.

2. We assist with operational, economic, and household issues during your adaptation to a new country if you decide to move.

3. Our lawyer obtains the citizenship certificate and Vanuatu passport, sending them directly to you.


Outcome: Passport acquisition upon successful approval

You need to come to the country to submit your application

All applicants, regardless of age, must personally travel to Vanuatu to submit their documents and provide biometric data.


The Migronis service experts will take care of all the legal and procedural tasks, so you can obtain new citizenship without any stress

Unlock your second citizenship with expert guidance



At your free consultation:

✓ Explore tailored migration programs in the Lesser Antilles to achieve your goals

✓ Learn investor requirements and due diligence processes for a successful application

✓ Assess Grenada Citizenship by Investment options with detailed cost-benefit analyses

✓ Receive a clear strategic plan with necessary documents and timelines for a smooth application process, ensuring an efficient pathway to second citizenship

Expert Guidance every Step of the way to Your Second Passport
Neringa Bulakiene
Investment Immigration Expert
  • Specializes in Caribbean, Vanuatu, Turkish, US EB-5/E2, and European Golden Visa programs
  • Extensive experience in opening bank accounts, securing 190 closings, and real estate acquisitions


The Migronis team experts have over 12 years of experience in citizenship and residency by investment programs. Our team includes professional lawyers, notaries, real estate brokers, and experts in local tax legislation.

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Here's what our customers say
Key results and recognitions

12 years in the investment migration market


~ 1,000 satisfied passport and residency permit holders


Residency and citizenship in 10+ countries globally


Direct collaboration with governments

Worldwide recognition
Global Law Experts Awards nominated Migronis as One of The Best Citizenship-for-Investment Companies in 2021
Migronis has been shortlisted in the “TOP 25 immigration companies in the world”, according to UGLOBAL IMMIGRATION
Global Law Experts Awards nominated Migronis as One of The Best Citizenship-for-Investment Companies in 2020
Why choose Vanuatu economic citizenship program?
Tax systemGeneral information

Tax Residency Days



326 740 people

Personal Income Tax Rate



English, French and Bislama

Capital Gains Tax Rate


Global mobility

1 international airport, with flights arriving from various destinations, including Australia

Investment Income Tax Rate



Global hotels, restaurants, chain stores

Territorial Taxation



$1.056 billion

Property Tax



The vatu: $1.000 USD = 120.4 VUV

Transfer Tax



Service sector - 60%, Agriculture - 21% of GDP

Inheritance Tax


Legal system

Combining English common law, French civil law, and indigenous customary law

Why choose Vanuatu economic citizenship program?
Tax system

Tax Residency Days


Personal Income Tax Rate


Capital Gains Tax Rate


Investment Income Tax Rate


Territorial Taxation


Property Tax


Transfer Tax


Inheritance Tax


General information


326 740 people


English, French and Bislama

Global mobility

1 international airport, with flights arriving from various destinations, including Australia


Global hotels, restaurants, chain stores


$1.056 billion


The vatu: $1.000 USD = 120.4 VUV


Service sector - 60%, Agriculture - 21% of GDP

Legal system

Combining English common law, French civil law, and indigenous customary law

Embracing the freedom of additional citizenship by investment in Vanuatu
Empower your life
Alternative documentation from a non-demanding country

✓ Obtaining alternative citizenship offers a reliable solution, ensuring safety and stability for you and your family while maintaining a superior quality of life

✓ This approach minimizes dependence on a single country's policies and regulations, providing greater flexibility in your lifestyle and business activities


Global mobility

✓ Enjoy visa-free travel to numerous countries, opening doors to various leisure, business, and educational experiences

✓ Broaden your travel horizons with visa-free access, facilitating opportunities for both personal enjoyment and professional endeavors


Back up plan for the whole family

✓ Guarantees personal freedoms within a stable and democratic system

✓ Provides secure entry for your family during times of border closures or emergencies


Economic and tax stability for residents

✓ Acts as a vital step in safeguarding your assets from economic sanctions or financial crises. According to Flag Theory, it plays a crucial role in diversifying your secure lifestyle through economic citizenship benefits

✓ Delivers substantial tax advantages, including exemptions from taxes on profits, dividends, and inheritance, reducing your financial obligations and improving wealth management


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Frequently Asked Questions
Is Vanuatu citizenship worth it?

Vanuatu citizenship offers significant benefits, including visa free access to over 125 countries, favorable tax conditions with no personal income, wealth, or capital gains tax, and the ability to hold dual citizenship. It provides a strategic advantage for investors looking to diversify their assets and gain a second passport. This program is especially worthwhile if you value freedom, global mobility, and financial security, offering a unique combination of benefits that enhance your quality of life and safeguard your future.


What is the history and outcome of the Vanuatu citizenship by investment program?

The Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment Program was launched in 2017. It has successfully attracted hundreds of foreign investors, significantly contributing to the country's economic growth and development. The funds generated have been used to support local development fund, infrastructure projects and improve public services​.


Who is eligible to apply for Vanuatu citizenship?

Eligible applicants must be at least 18 years old, have no criminal record, and meet the minimum investment requirements. The primary investment routes include the Vanuatu Development Support Program (VDSP) and the Capital Investment Immigration Plan (CIIP)​. Additionally, they must pass a due diligence process.Once all these requirements are met, they can be granted citizenship of Vanuatu.


Who can I include in my application?

Applicants can include their spouse, dependent children under 25, and parents over 50 in their Vanuatu's citizenship application​.



How to become a citizen of Vanuatu?

To become a citizen of Vanuatu, applicants must meet the criteria, choose an investment option, complete the required documentation, personally undergo a reliability check, and make the required investments. This process must be carried out through an authorized agent accredited by the Vanuatu Citizenship Commission. The Citizenship Commission then reviews the application, and upon approval, issues the citizenship certificate.



How long does it take to get Vanuatu citizenship by investment?

The entire process of obtaining citizenship of Vanuatu typically takes about 1-3 months from the submission of the complete application to the issuance of the citizenship certificate.



What are the steps in the entire process of obtaining Vanuatu citizenship?

The process includes:

1. Determining eligibility for the program

2. Gathering the necessary documents

3. The investor and their family arrive in Vanuatu

4. Completing and submitting the application in person by the applicant and their family

5. All applicants undergo the biometric data collection procedure

6. Payment of required investments and fees

7. Receiving approval from the Citizenship Commission

8. Conducting the oath-taking ceremony

9. Receiving the citizenship certificate and Vanuatu passport


Is an in-person visit to Vanuatu required for approval?

Yes, starting from August 31, 2024, personal attendance is required for submitting an application for Vanuatu citizenship. All applicants are required to visit the country to complete the document submission procedure.



Is a positive response guaranteed?

No, a positive response is not guaranteed. Each application undergoes a thorough review by the Vanuatu Citizenship Commission, and approval is contingent on meeting all requirements and passing due diligence checks​.



What happens if my application is rejected?

If your application is rejected, you will be informed of the reasons. You may appeal the decision or reapply if you can address the issues raised. Application and due diligence fees are generally non-refundable​.


What is the basic checklist of documentation required for a Vanuatu passport?

The basic documentation required includes a completed application form, a valid passport copy, birth and marriage certificates, a police clearance certificate, bank statements, and proof of the source of funds​.



Do I need to show the source of funds for my investment?

Yes, applicants must provide evidence of the legal source of their investment funds. This includes bank statements, business profits, or sale of assets documents​.



How much does Vanuatu citizenship cost?

The cost of obtaining Vanuatu citizenship, under the Vanuatu CBI Program varies based on the investment route chosen. For the citizenship by investment option through a donation to the Vanuatu Development Support Program, the minimum investment including fees is as follows:

- For a single applicant, the total cost is $135 000;

- For a married couple - $155 000;

- For a family of 4 (including 2 children) - $185 000.

For the investment route through the Investment in the Coconut Oil Future Fund, the total cost for a single applicant, a married couple, or a family of 4 (including 2 children) will be $165 000, while the investment in the Cocoa Development Fund will be $155 500.


How much do you need to invest to get citizenship in Vanuatu?

There are two options for Vanuatu's citizenship through investment. The minimum investment required for the Vanuatu Citizenship Program is $130 000 for a single applicant through the Vanuatu Development Support Program. For the CIIP, the minimum investment is $157 000. Joint investments and family applications may have higher minimum requirements depending on the number of dependents included.



What additional fees, apart from the investment itself, do I need to pay to obtain citizenship through the investment program?

Additional fees include a due diligence fee. For the donation to the VDSP fee is $5 000; and for the CIIP - $8 000. Legal and agent fees may also apply.



Can I use sponsored funds for my investment in the Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment Program?

Yes, sponsored funds can be used, but detailed documentation proving the legal source and the relationship between the sponsor and the applicant must be provided​.



Can Americans live in Vanuatu?

Yes, Americans can live in Vanuatu. They can apply for residency or citizenship through the investment program, which provides various benefits, including travel and favorable tax conditions​.



What are the conditions of tax residency?

To qualify as a tax resident in Vanuatu, you must reside in the country for at least 183 days in a year.



Does Vanuatu allow dual citizenship?

Yes, Vanuatu recognizes dual citizenship, allowing individuals to retain their original nationality while gaining Vanuatu's citizenship. This provides additional flexibility and security for global citizens​.



Will I become liable for military service?

No, obtaining Vanuatu citizenship does not subject you to mandatory military service, as Vanuatu does not have conscription​.



How strong is the Vanuatu passport?

The Vanuatu passport is relatively strong, offering visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to over 125 countries, making it a valuable asset for international travel​.