Moving Abroad with Children

Moving Abroad with Children: A Friendly Guide for Expat Families

Olena Lutska
21 August 2024

A Friendly Guide for Expat Families

Relocating internationally with your family, especially young children, is a major decision that requires careful preparation. As an expat parent, you're likely concerned about how your kids will adjust, what their new life will be like, and how to ensure their comfort and safety in a new place. While moving abroad can be stressful, especially when it comes to securing visas or health insurance, with the right steps, it can be the start of an exciting new chapter for your whole family.

Key Stages of Moving Abroad with Kids

1. Choosing the Right Country for Your Family Life

Choosing a country to move abroad to is a crucial first step. Different countries offer varying levels of support for families, especially those with children. Consider factors like quality of education, the cost of living, healthcare, and the ease of integrating into the local culture. For instance, some countries may offer family visas that allow you to apply for residency for the entire family at once, making the transition smoother.


If you’re not sure which country is the right fit for you or need more details about specific options, just fill out the form, and the Migronis team will give you a free consultation and help you make the best choice.


2. Preparing the Necessary Documents

When relocating overseas, the paperwork can be daunting. You'll need passports for every family member, birth certificates for the children, proof of education, and possibly even health records. Ensuring that you have all the data required by your new country is crucial to avoid delays. Don’t forget to check if additional documents are needed for your visa or residency application.

3. Securing Housing and Employment

Before you finally arrive in your new city, it’s important to find suitable housing. If buying isn’t an option, explore available properties for rent, preferably close to local schools and other essential services. This will ease the transition for your children into their new environment. Additionally, many expat parents find it beneficial to secure employment before the move to ensure a stable income once they settle abroad. Try to make your new house in such a way that all your family will feel comfortable and safe.

4. Helping Children Adapt to Their New Environment

The move abroad can be challenging for children. Help them get comfortable by enrolling them in a local or international school where they can make new friends and adjust to their environment. If you have older children, think about their hobbies and explore new opportunities for them to find their own circle. Create a familiar space in your new home by setting up their own room with all their toys and belongings. To ease the emotional transition, consider using the services of a relocation agent or child psychologist if needed.

5. Applying for Residency or Citizenship

Once you’ve moved, it’s time to apply for residency or citizenship, depending on your goals. Some countries offer immediate residency upon arrival, while others may have more stringent requirements. Make sure you understand the process in your chosen country, as having the right to reside legally is essential for your family’s future.

Choosing the Best Country for Your Move Abroad

Key Stages of Moving Abroad with Kids

When selecting a country, think about these key factors

⚙️ Quality of life and education

The level of education and overall living standards are crucial. Countries like Canada, Germany, and Sweden are known for their excellent education systems and family-friendly policies.

👄 Language barriers

If your children don’t speak the local language, consider starting language lessons early. Moving to a country with familiar languages, such as English or French, can ease the transition.

🚑 International health insurance & health insurance in general

When considering International health insurance and local health insurance, it's essential to ensure that your family's healthcare needs are fully covered in your new country. International health insurance provides coverage across multiple countries, which is particularly useful if your family travels frequently or if you plan to relocate again in the future. On the other hand, local health insurance might be more cost-effective and tailored to the specific healthcare system of the country you’re moving to, offering access to local doctors and hospitals. Balancing these options will depend on your specific needs, budget, and the healthcare infrastructure of your destination country.

🌦️ Climate and environment

The climate in a country will affect your family’s comfort. Southern European countries like Spain and Italy offer warm climates that may be easier for younger children to adjust to.

👩‍💻 Employment opportunities and residency

For parents, the ability to work in your new location is vital. Investigate countries with strong economies and low unemployment rates. Understanding the visa requirements and the path to residency is also important.

Popular countries for expatriates

When considering relocating overseas with your family, it’s essential to pick a country that suits both you and your children’s needs. Let’s explore some popular countries for expatriates and what they offer in terms of visas, education, and healthcare.

Top Countries for Moving Abroad with Children

🇨🇦 Canada

Canada is a top choice for families moving abroad with kids. Known for its open immigration policies, Canada offers a high quality of life with free public education and a well-developed healthcare system. Canadian schools rank among the best in the world. Key immigration pathways include the Federal Skilled Worker Program, Express Entry, and Provincial Nominee Programs. Canada also has one of the lowest crime rates among developed countries, making it a safe option for your family.

🇦🇺 Australia

Australia is another excellent option for families, offering free primary and secondary education and ample opportunities for higher education. The country’s healthcare system, Medicare, ensures access to essential medical services. Families often choose Australia for its high quality of life and stable economy. Immigration options include General Skilled Migration and family visas. The country’s clean environment and pleasant climate are additional perks.

🇳🇿 New Zealand

New Zealand is a great place for children moving abroad, known for its natural beauty and safety. Families benefit from free public education up to the age of 19 and access to quality healthcare. The Skilled Migrant Category and family visas are common routes for immigration. With high standards of education and a secure environment, New Zealand is ideal for expat parents seeking a peaceful life abroad.

🇩🇪 Germany

Germany offers families a robust social infrastructure and a stable economy. Education is free from preschool to secondary school, with many universities to choose from. Germany also boasts a high-quality healthcare system with mandatory health insurance. Immigration options include the Blue Card, family visas, and programs for highly skilled workers. Social support for families is well-developed, including child benefits.

🇸🇪 Sweden

Sweden is renowned for its extensive support for families and children. Education is free, with a strong emphasis on inclusive learning and development. The country provides a high level of healthcare through its insurance-based system. Generous child benefits and a well-established daycare system are part of Sweden’s appeal. Immigration options include work and family visas, as well as programs for specialists.

🇳🇴 Norway

Norway offers a high standard of living and an advanced social protection system. The country provides free, quality education and various support programs for students. Children receive free medical care, and the overall healthcare system is insurance-based. Norway’s social support includes comprehensive child benefits and assistance for families. Skilled Worker Visas and family visas are among the immigration options.

🇺🇸 USA

Despite more complex immigration procedures, the USA remains a popular destination for moving abroad with your family. The country offers free public education and numerous higher education opportunities. While healthcare is high-quality, it can be more expensive than in other countries. Immigration pathways include family visas, green cards, and programs for skilled workers.

🇹🇷 Turkey

Turkey attracts families with its rich culture, warm climate, and affordable living conditions. Public schools are free, though many parents prefer international or private schools. The healthcare system is well-developed and accessible to both citizens and residents. The country offers various social benefits for children, including sports and cultural activities. Citizenship through real estate investment and investor visas are common immigration routes.

🇲🇹 Malta

Malta, a small European island with a rich history and stable economy, is a popular destination for those moving from abroad. Education is free in public schools, with international schools also available. The country has a high-quality healthcare system accessible to both citizens and residents. Malta provides strong social support, including child benefits. Immigration options include citizenship through investment and programs for qualified professionals.

🇨🇾 Cyprus

Cyprus is a sought-after destination for those seeking a comfortable life by the Mediterranean. The country offers free public education and good international schools. Cyprus’s healthcare system is top-notch and accessible to both citizens and residents. Families benefit from strong social support, including benefits for children. Permanent residency through investment and programs for investors and businesspeople are common pathways to immigration.

🇵🇹 Portugal

Portugal is a favored destination due to its warm climate and high quality of life. Education is free in public schools, and there are many excellent international schools. The healthcare system is well-developed and available to residents. The country provides comprehensive social support, including child benefits. The Golden Visa and programs for skilled professionals and investors are popular immigration options.

🇬🇷 Greece

Greece attracts immigrants with its warm climate, cultural heritage, and affordable living costs. Public education is free, and there are international schools in major cities. The public healthcare system is accessible to residents, though service quality can vary. Greece offers strong social support, including benefits for families with children. Immigration options include the Golden Visa and programs for investors and businesspeople.

🇪🇸 Spain

Spain is a top choice for those relocating from abroad, thanks to its high quality of life and cultural diversity. Education is free in public schools, with excellent international schools available. Spain has a high-quality healthcare system accessible to both citizens and residents. Families benefit from a well-developed social support system, including child benefits. Immigration options include the Golden Visa and programs for skilled professionals and investors.

🇳🇱 Netherlands

The Netherlands is a good option for families moving abroad. Dutch schools are well-regarded, and the healthcare system is top-notch with mandatory health insurance. Key immigration routes include the Highly Skilled Migrant visa and family reunification visas. The Netherlands is known for its safety, low crime rates, and family-friendly environment, making it a great choice for expat families seeking stability and a high standard of living.

Top Tips for Moving Abroad with Family

🔹 Research: before your next move, thoroughly research available properties on real estate websites and the services offered by relocation agents in the new city.

🔹 Explain: talk to your children about the new home and new surroundings. Explain the idea of moving overseas in simple terms to make them feel involved and less worried.

🔹 Visit: if possible, visit the country before you move to help your children get used to the new environment. This will provide a clear comparison between their current surroundings and the new place. By experiencing the surroundings firsthand, you can make familiar things more approachable for them, such as local schools and recreational areas. Additionally, it’s good advice to explore neighborhoods and meet potential friends and teachers to ease the transition for your children.

🔹 Settle in: once you finally arrive, focus on settling your children into their new bedroom and local school to establish a sense of routine and security.

🔹 Common sense: use practical judgment when making small decisions about daily life in the new country. This will help expats settle in smoothly.

🔹 Stay connected: encourage your children to stay connected with friends from your home country to ease the transition.

Applying for Residency or Citizenship


Moving abroad with your family is a complex process that demands patience and often requires overcoming unexpected challenges. Choosing the right country, preparing all the necessary documents, and helping your children and the entire family adapt are crucial steps for a successful relocation. Every family is unique, so it's essential to consider all aspects of life in the new country to ensure a comfortable environment for your children to live and grow. With proper pre-move preparations, relocating overseas can offer many benefits and could be the start of a new life full of opportunities.

And if you want to start this journey with comfort and pleasure, contact the Migronis expert team, and we will help you from scratch.

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