EU Citizenship: Top 7 Countries Where You Can Obtain a Passport After Residency

EU Citizenship: Top 7 Countries Where You Can Obtain a Passport After Residency

Neringa Bulakiene
12 August 2024

EU Citizenship: What Are the Investment Citizenship Programs in These Countries?

How can you obtain European Union citizenship without long-term and continuous residence in a country? The solution is to choose a country that offers second citizenship through investment. An investment (economic) citizenship program allows you to expedite the process of obtaining permanent residency, temporary residency, and/or citizenship by contributing to the country's economy. This process not only provides a faster path to EU citizenship (in many countries, naturalization typically requires 10-12 years of continuous residence) but also sets more lenient requirements for investors. For example, it does not obligate them to permanently reside in the country or to know the language and culture.

Europe map

How to Become an EU Citizen Through an Economic Citizenship Program?

Invest and meet certain criteria. Simply put, this means legally purchasing a passport from the government. Each country has different investment conditions, which may include donations to government funds, real estate, government bonds, or business development.

Where Is It Easier to Obtain European Union Citizenship?

Until 2020, Cyprus offered the fastest and most convenient way to obtain an EU passport. In other EU countries with similar programs, you first need to obtain residency and permanent residency status before applying for an EU passport. These countries include Portugal, Spain, and Greece. Unlike the economic citizenship programs in the Caribbean, obtaining citizenship after residency or permanent residency in EU countries is more expensive and time-consuming. Typically, not only the investor but also financially dependent family members, including grandparents, can obtain an EU passport.

When choosing which country in the European Union offers the easiest path to citizenship, remember that you must meet the following criteria:

  • Have proof of a legal source of income.
  • Have no criminal record or ongoing criminal proceedings.
  • Not be on any sanctions lists.

What Is EU Citizenship – Top Advantages

EU citizenship is not just about visa-free travel, as many people think. A European Union passport offers a range of benefits, some of the most important of which are discussed below:

  • Freedom of Movement: EU citizens have the right to move and reside freely in any of the 27 EU member states without needing visas or residence permits.
  • Right to Live and Work: After obtaining EU citizenship, you can work and live in any EU member state.
  • European Education: An EU citizen can study at the most prestigious universities in Europe and apply for various scholarships and subsidized educational programs.
  • Easy Business Registration: EU citizenship allows you to quickly and easily start a business or register a startup in any EU country.
  • Human Rights Protection: European citizenship offers the world's most advanced human rights protection system. By obtaining EU citizenship, you receive guaranteed state protection in various emergencies.
  • Opportunity to Become a European Politician: With an EU passport, citizens have the right to vote and run in the European Parliament and local municipal elections in the EU country where they reside.
  • Healthcare Services: EU citizens have access to healthcare services in other EU countries under the same conditions as local citizens, thanks to the European Health Insurance Card.

EU Passport – Top Myths

We must also consider the many myths surrounding EU citizenship. Some believe that obtaining EU citizenship is illegal, while others think that an EU passport can only be obtained at a huge cost. We’ve compiled the top five most well-known myths about obtaining an EU passport:

  • A child born in the European Union will automatically receive EU citizenship.

No, the EU follows the principle of "citizenship by descent." A child will receive EU citizenship only if at least one of their parents holds an EU passport. Exceptions exist in some countries but are very rare and strictly regulated by law.

  • The easiest way to get EU citizenship is through a fake marriage.

This method is often promoted by fraudsters. In reality, it’s much more complicated. In many EU countries, you need to live in the country for three years or more while being married. Additionally, there will be various checks, which usually detect fake marriages quite easily.

  • To obtain citizenship in a European country, you simply need to buy it.

EU citizenship is not a house, yacht, or chocolate bar. You can’t just pay and get an EU passport. Most European countries require first obtaining residency—through investment, not just purchase—and then applying for EU citizenship through naturalization.

  • Dual citizenship is prohibited in the EU.

This is not true. For example, Portugal and Italy allow not only dual citizenship but also holding multiple residencies simultaneously. The status of dual citizenship varies from country to country; there is no common EU-wide rule on this issue.

  • An EU passport and an EU passport through investment are different things.

The strangest myth on the list. No, this is not true. Obtaining EU citizenship through investment is no different from other methods of naturalization—the applicant will receive a full-fledged passport of their chosen European country. Moreover, the investment programs offer a simpler and more reliable way to obtain EU citizenship by investment.

Cyprus Citizenship After Obtaining Permanent Residency

You can obtain permanent residency in Cyprus through investment within as little as three months. The investor’s spouse, children under 25, and spouse’s parents can also become residents of Cyprus. Permanent residency status allows you to move and live on the island. However, you don’t need to reside in Cyprus permanently—you just need to meet the condition of visiting the country once every two years.


Key Points:

  • Minimum Investment: EUR 300,000
  • Permanent Residency Acquisition Time: 2 months
  • Advantages: Fast processing, no actual residency requirement

Options for Obtaining Permanent Residency:

  • Purchase primary residential property starting at EUR 300,000.
  • Purchase one or two non-residential properties totaling at least EUR 300,000.
  • Invest in a new or existing company for EUR 300,000.
  • Purchase a share in private investment funds for EUR 300,000.


  • Stable income of at least EUR 50,000 per year.
  • Clean criminal record.
  • Maintenance of investment and health insurance.

How to Obtain Cypriot Citizenship?

After obtaining permanent residency through investment, you need to reside in Cyprus for seven years, after which you can apply for a passport.

In November 2020, the Cypriot government suspended the citizenship by investment program and no longer issued passports. Before this, it was the fastest and most popular European program—Cypriot citizenship could be obtained within 3-6 months through an investment in real estate or business of €2,200,000 (plus additional non-refundable donations to government funds totaling €150,000).

The "Golden Passport" program was canceled after a scandalous investigation by Al-Jazeera TV. Its journalists posed as convicted Chinese nationals and were assured that even such individuals could obtain EU citizenship and a Cypriot passport with the necessary funds. This led not only to the program's closure but also to the resignation of the Speaker of the Cypriot Parliament, Demetris Syllouris. Moreover, 3,500 program participants may lose their passports.


Portugal Passport After Getting a "Golden Visa"

Portugal's residency program allows you to live in the country year-round and travel within the Schengen Area for up to 90 days in six months. This provides a "haven" in a secure EU country, integrating into the European community and offering prestigious education for children. To maintain the status, you need to stay in Portugal for just seven days a year. The "golden visa" is available to all family members, including spouses, children, and dependent parents. The processing time for documents is from 12 months.


Key Points:

  • Minimum Investment: Contribution to cultural heritage from EUR 250,000 or investment in funds from EUR 500,000.
  • Residency Acquisition Time: 12 months
  • Advantages: Opportunity to obtain permanent residency and citizenship

Options for Obtaining Residency:

  • Capital Transfer:
    • Investment in Funds: EUR 500,000 to purchase units in investment or venture capital funds that support companies in Portugal (excluding real estate companies).
    • Scientific Research: EUR 500,000 for research in public or private organizations in Portugal.
    • Cultural Heritage: EUR 250,000 to support the arts, restoration, or preservation of cultural heritage.
  • Business Creation:
    • Job Creation: Creation of at least ten new jobs.
    • Company Investment: EUR 500,000 to create a company in Portugal that creates at least five permanent jobs within three years or increase the capital of an existing company in Portugal, creating at least five permanent jobs.

How to Obtain Portuguese Citizenship?

  • Residency Requirement: At least 7 days in the first year, 14 days every two subsequent years.
  • Investment Maintenance.
  • No Criminal Record.
  • Proof of Income.

Greek Citizenship Can Be Obtained Through the General Process

Greek residency allows you to travel to Schengen countries and stay in any of them for up to 90 days every six months, while you can live freely in Greece year-round. Obtaining a residence permit takes from 3 months. This status can be obtained by all family members of the applicant—spouse, children up to 23 years old, as well as parents and grandparents of any age. The residence permit can be renewed as long as the investor owns real estate in Greece.


Key Points:

  • Minimum Investment: EUR 250,000 (rising to EUR 400,000 after August 31, 2024)
  • Residency Acquisition Time: From 3 months
  • Advantages: Opportunity to obtain permanent residency after 5 years and citizenship after 7 years

Options for Obtaining Residency:

  • Investment in Real Estate from EUR 400,000 after this period.
  • Investment in Financial Instruments.

How to Obtain Greek Citizenship?

  • Investment Maintenance.
  • Proof of Housing and Stable Income.
  • Mandatory Residency: At least 183 days per year.
  • Permanent Residency: After 5 years of residency, you can apply for permanent residency.
  • Citizenship: After 7 years of residency, you can apply for citizenship.
  • Language Exam: Required to obtain a passport.

Spanish Passport After Obtaining Residency

The processing time for a case under the residency by investment program takes from 2 to 3 months. Together with the main investor, the application can include a spouse and children up to 26 years old. The resident must spend at least one week per year in the country. One of the mandatory conditions is Spanish registration, meaning the participant must purchase a home in Spain. Registration can also be done in rented housing.


Key Points:

  • Minimum Investment: EUR 500,000
  • Residency Acquisition Time: 2-3 months
  • Advantages: Opportunity to obtain permanent residency after 5 years and citizenship after 10 years

Options for Obtaining Residency:

  • Investment in Real Estate from EUR 500,000.
  • Investment in Spanish Companies or Funds.

How to Obtain Spanish Citizenship?

  • Mandatory Residency: At least 183 days per year.
  • Investment Maintenance.
  • Proof of Housing and Stable Income.
  • No Criminal Record.
  • Permanent Residency: After 5 years of residency, you can apply for permanent residency.
  • Citizenship: After 5 years of permanent residency, you can apply for citizenship.
  • Language Exam: Required to obtain a passport.

Maltese Residency by Investment Leading to Citizenship

For ID cardholders, visa-free entry/exit from Schengen countries (up to 90 days in six months) is provided. A significant advantage is the extended list of dependents that can be included in the application, including not only the spouse, children, and parents. After obtaining permanent residency, you can include a daughter-in-law/son-in-law, future children, and grandchildren in the application. The status takes up to 3 months to process. Obtaining a residence permit involves a complex investment.


Options for Obtaining Residency:

  • Non-refundable Administrative Fee: EUR 40,000. An initial EUR 10,000 must be paid within one month of the application submission, with the remaining EUR 30,000 payable within 2 months after the issuance of the approval letter.
  • Government Contribution: EUR 28,000 for purchasing real estate or EUR 58,000 for renting real estate, which must be paid within 8 months after the issuance of the principal approval letter.
  • Eligible Real Estate:
    • South Malta / Gozo: Purchase at least EUR 300,000 or rent at least EUR 10,000.
    • Other parts of Malta: Purchase at least EUR 350,000 or rent at least EUR 12,000.
  • Mandatory Donation: EUR 2,000 to a registered NGO in Malta.
  • Health Insurance: Policy with a minimum of EUR 30,000 per year covering all risks in Malta.
  • Show Capital: EUR 500,000 (of which EUR 150,000 must be financial assets for 5 years).

How to Obtain Malta Citizenship?

  • Permanent Residency and Residency: Do not confuse permanent residency with residency. To obtain European citizenship in Malta, you need to apply for residency, as getting a passport with permanent residency status is very difficult.
  • Passport Acquisition: To obtain a Maltese passport through the residency by investment program, you need:
    • Contribution to Malta's Economic Development: From EUR 750,000 (citizenship is granted after one year) or from EUR 600,000 (you can apply for citizenship after three years).
    • Charitable Donation: EUR 10,000.
    • Rent (from EUR 16,000 per year for five years) or Purchase (from EUR 700,000) of Real Estate.

Bulgarian Citizenship

Obtaining Bulgarian citizenship is a lengthy and expensive process. Together with the applicant, the spouse, financially dependent children (regardless of age), and parents can obtain EU citizenship through investment in Bulgaria.

What does EU citizenship offer to the investor and their family members in this country? It grants the right to move freely across the EU, reside in member states, visit 169 countries visa-free, access medical services, and study at universities. The state does not require applicants to pass a language exam, renounce their "first passport," or reside in the country for a specific period—therefore, getting a European passport in Bulgaria is relatively simple.


Key Points:

  • Minimum Investment: From EUR 128,000.
  • Residency Acquisition Time: 6 months
  • Advantages: Opportunity to obtain permanent residency and citizenship after 5 years

How to Obtain Bulgarian Residency:

  • Investment in Selected Investment Funds from EUR 128,000 (in a fund of a local commercial company).
  • Investment from EUR 307,400 in Real Estate.


  • Residency in the country is not required during the investment period.
  • Renunciation of current citizenship is not required only if a special agreement is signed between the countries.
  • Language proficiency.

Bulgaria, an EU member, is known for its advantages in terms of freedom of residence, work, and movement within the EU and the Schengen area, access to healthcare and education.

Additional Residency Benefits:

  • Visa-Free Entry/Exit from Schengen Countries (up to 90 days in a six-month period).
  • Family Inclusion: Spouses can apply for citizenship three years after the primary applicant obtains citizenship.

Austrian Citizenship by Investment

An Austrian passport obtained through investment is the most expensive. The country's program does not stipulate fixed investment amounts. The government approaches each passport applicant individually based on the desired place of residence, business plans, or entrepreneurial activities, setting the required investment amount in a specific sector of the economy. The minimum amount is usually around €8,000,000. The selection process for those wishing to obtain an EU passport is very strict—only after thorough checks and approval of the application can the applicant qualify for the quota. The Austrian economic citizenship program does not involve purchasing real estate; however, to obtain a passport, you will need to provide a document proving ownership of real estate or a rental agreement. Although obtaining EU citizenship in Austria is not a quick process, the country offers certain advantages. For example, the applicant’s spouse and financially dependent children under 18 can also apply for Austrian citizenship. The program does not require applicants to pass a German language exam or reside in the country, and there is no need to renew the passport after obtaining it.


How to Obtain Austrian Citizenship:

  • Submit an investment project for government review.
  • Upon approval and contribution, an investor residency status is granted within 3 months.
  • Apply for citizenship, which takes 9 to 18 months to review.
  • Obtaining investor residency in Austria is simpler and less expensive. The easiest way is to have a confirmed monthly income outside the country of at least €1,800 per person. This status applies only to financially independent individuals – working or owning a business in Austria is prohibited.
  • The process takes 3 to 6 months. In addition to income proof, applicants and their family members must pass a German language exam at level A1, and provide a property ownership document or rental agreement.
  • To maintain the status, a minimum of 183 days per year must be spent in the country. The status must be renewed annually for the first two years, then every three years. Permanent residency is granted, and citizenship can be applied for a year later.


Which Country in the European Union Is the Easiest to Obtain Citizenship?

We have answered the question "How to obtain European citizenship through residency programs?" But note that the conditions for obtaining residency/permanent residency vary from country to country. Therefore, your goals and opportunities should be the main factors when choosing a jurisdiction, as there is no universal answer to the question of which EU citizenship is the easiest to obtain. If your priority is relatively low participation costs, consider Greece's residency program. If your goal is to quickly convert residency to citizenship and obtain an EU passport, you should look into Portugal Golden Visa.

Obtaining residency/permanent residency and then applying for citizenship or purchasing a passport outright—the choice is yours. In any case, an EU residency permit and passport are keys to a higher standard of living.


How much does EU citizenship cost?

The cheapest EU citizenship can be obtained in Greece. Programs require investments ranging from €250,000 to €500,000. You can purchase real estate for a minimum of €250,000. It’s also worth noting Malta's program, where the minimum costs are about €600,000, including donations and real estate purchases.

Where is it easiest to obtain EU citizenship?

The easiest way to obtain EU citizenship is through investment citizenship programs in Malta, Greece, and Portugal. These programs have relatively low investment requirements and flexible residency conditions, making them attractive to foreign investors.

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