Citizenship Fraud: The Dangers of Fake Passports

Citizenship Fraud: The Dangers of Fake Passports

Anastasia Voronaya
11 September 2024

As globalization increases and the number of citizenship-by-investment programs grows, so do the risks associated with fraud in this area. Programs designed to promote economic development through attracting foreign investments are appealing not only to law-abiding investors but also to criminals who use forged documents and complex schemes to obtain citizenship illegally and evade the law.

Types of Citizenship Fraud

Citizenship fraud can take many forms, from document forgery to fake investment schemes. Below are some of the most common methods and schemes:

  1. Document Forgery: This involves creating fake passports, birth certificates, marriage certificates, and other essential documents needed for citizenship. These documents often look legitimate and allow fraudsters to deceive government authorities.
  2. Illegal Citizenship Schemes: Dishonest intermediaries offer quick citizenship by bypassing official procedures. These schemes can involve fake citizenship-by-investment (CBI) programs or sham marriages.
  3. Use of Fake Applicants: Some fraudulent schemes use “stand-ins” to submit citizenship applications on behalf of the real applicant. This helps criminals avoid identity checks.
  4. Investment Fraud: Fraudsters create fake investment projects or submit falsified documents to claim they have fulfilled the investment requirements under CBI programs without making real investments.
  5. Money Laundering via CBI Programs: Criminals sometimes use CBI programs to launder money and hide assets. They invest in the country's economy, gain citizenship, and obscure their illegal earnings.
  6. Applicant Deception: Scammers promise quick and easy citizenship for a fee but either fail to provide services or use illegal methods, resulting in citizenship denial or document cancellation.
  7. Sham Marriages: Entering into a marriage solely to obtain citizenship or a residence permit, often without any intention of forming a genuine relationship.
  8. False Residency Data: Fraudsters provide false information about their residence or employment status to meet the requirements of citizenship programs. This could involve fake addresses or forged income certificates.
  9. Identity Theft: Using stolen personal data to apply for citizenship. Fraudsters may use someone else's passport or identification to acquire citizenship under a false identity.

How to Protect Yourself from Citizenship Fraud

To avoid falling victim to fraud when applying for citizenship or residency through investment, it’s essential to be vigilant and follow a few simple guidelines:

  1. Research Thoroughly: Investigate the program and ensure it is legally recognized by the country offering it.
  2. Work with Trusted Professionals: Only work with licensed immigration consultants or legal experts who have a strong reputation in the field.
  3. Verify Documents: Double-check the authenticity of all required documents and make sure they are sourced from legitimate authorities.
  4. Stay Informed About Legal Requirements: Make sure you understand the legal process and requirements for obtaining citizenship in the country you're applying to.
  5. Avoid Shortcuts: Be cautious of any promises for quick or guaranteed citizenship, as these are often signs of a scam.

Citizenship fraud not only threatens national security but also undermines the integrity of legitimate immigration and investment programs. By staying informed and cautious, you can protect yourself and others from falling prey to these dangerous schemes.

Fraud Statistics

Citizenship Fraud Statistics

According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), over 10,000 cases of fraud related to citizenship-by-investment programs are recorded annually. These schemes harm both the states and the investors, whose rights can be violated (Source).

Current Fraud Schemes Worldwide

Today, citizenship fraud schemes are becoming increasingly sophisticated and complex. Here are a few examples of current fraud cases:

  1. Vanuatu and the PlusToken Case: Six Chinese nationals involved in the major cryptocurrency fraud scheme, PlusToken, attempted to obtain Vanuatu citizenship through the citizenship-by-investment program. Although they passed the standard vetting process, their applications were approved. It was later discovered that they had falsified their documents of good standing, leading to the revocation of their citizenship and deportation back to China (IMI - Investment Migration Insider).
  2. Cyprus Citizenship-by-Investment Program: In 2024, Cypriot authorities launched an investigation into more than 100 cases related to granting citizenship to individuals suspected of fraud or other criminal activities. Among them were people who obtained passports without making the required investments or concealed their criminal status. This investigation became part of a major scandal that began after a 2020 exposé, which led to the cancellation of the program (IMI - Investment Migration Insider).
  3. Italian Citizenship Fraud: A scheme in South Africa promised a fast track to Italian citizenship for €100,000. The Italian embassy officially denied the existence of such a program, calling it fraudulent. Scammers used false promises and fake rental contracts to deceive individuals seeking Italian citizenship (IMI - Investment Migration Insider).
  4. Malta Citizenship Case: In Malta, citizenship through the Individual Investor Programme (IIP) was granted to Egyptian businessman Mustafa Abdel Wadud, who later pleaded guilty to fraud and conspiracy. As a result, the Maltese authorities are considering revoking his and his family's citizenship (IMI - Investment Migration Insider).
Signed Documents

How to Avoid Citizenship Fraud

To avoid falling victim to fraudsters, it is important to follow these recommendations:

  1. Consult Licensed Agents: Choose companies with verified licenses and a solid reputation. For instance, Migronisoffers professional services in full compliance with legal standards.
  2. Verify the Authenticity of Documents: Before signing any agreements, ensure all documents are genuine by consulting qualified legal professionals.
  3. Be Wary of “Quick” Solutions: If someone promises quick citizenship by bypassing legal procedures, it should raise suspicions.
  4. Check the Company's Reputation: Read reviews and assess the company’s reputation before starting any cooperation.
  5. Demand Transparency: Make sure that every step and cost is clearly explained and documented.
  6. Ensure the Program’s Legitimacy: Verify that the citizenship program is current and complies with the law.
  7. Beware of Low Prices: If the price is too low, it might indicate illegal methods.
  8. Regularly Monitor the Status of Your Application: Track the submission and review process of your documents through official channels.

Citizenship and Residency by Investment Programs

Citizenship and residency-by-investment programs offer investors legal and beneficial ways to obtain second citizenship or a residence permit. Below are the detailed conditions of popular programs with convenient links for more information.

Caribbean Islands
Caribbean Citizenship Programs:


  • Real estate investment: starting at $270,000 with a mandatory retention period of 5 years.
  • Contribution to the National Transformation Fund: from $235,000 for a family of 1 to 4 members.
  • The program allows visa-free travel to more than 140 countries, including China and the UK.
  • Learn more about the Grenada Citizenship Program.


  • Contribution to the Economic Diversification Fund: from $200,000 for a single applicant.
  • Real estate investment: starting at $200,000 with a 5-year holding period.
  • Dominica's program is one of the most affordable and reliable in the Caribbean region.
  • More details on the Dominica Citizenship Program.

Antigua and Barbuda:

Saint Lucia:

  • Contribution to the National Economic Fund: starting at $240,000.
  • Investment in government bonds: starting at $300,000 with a 5-year holding period.
  • The program offers visa-free travel to 146 countries, including the Schengen Zone.
  • Learn more about the Saint Lucia Citizenship Program.


European Flags
European Residency Programs:

Portugal (Golden Visa):

  • Investment in funds: starting at €500,000.
  • Business creation: minimum investment of €500,000 with the creation of at least 5 jobs.
  • One of the most flexible residency programs in Europe, with the possibility of applying for citizenship after 5 years.
  • Learn more about the Portugal Residency Program.


  • Real estate investment: starting at €250,000 with a 5-year holding period.
  • This is one of the most affordable residency programs in Europe, suitable for the whole family.
  • Details on the Greece Residency Program.


  • Real estate investment: starting at €500,000. This offers the opportunity to live in Spain and travel throughout the EU.
  • Investment in government bonds: starting at €2,000,000.
  • Learn more about the Spain Residency Program.


  • Purchase of real estate: ability to acquire up to two new residential properties with a total market value of at least €300,000 plus VAT. Purchases from two different developers are allowed.
  • Non-residential properties: option to purchase up to two new or used non-residential properties (offices, shops, hotels, or other buildings) with a total value of at least €300,000 plus VAT.
  • Investment in a company: minimum investment of €300,000 in the share capital of a physical company registered and operating in Cyprus, with a requirement to employ at least five people.
  • Investment in collective funds: minimum investment of €300,000 in Cyprus collective investment funds (AIF, AIFLNP, RAIF).
  • More about the Cyprus Residency Program.

Each of these programs offers unique opportunities for investors seeking citizenship or residency in countries with favorable living and business conditions.

Citizenship and passport fraud pose a serious threat to both individual investors and states. To avoid these risks, it is important to follow proven procedures and consult only licensed professionals. Migronis is ready to provide you with all the necessary services for safe and legal citizenship acquisition through investment.

Migronis' European residency and citizenship programs offer unique opportunities for investors seeking access to European Union countries. From selecting the right program to obtaining the necessary documentation, our experts will support you at every stage.

To protect yourself from citizenship fraud risks, it is essential to rely only on verified and licensed agents who operate legally. The citizenship by investment program offered by Migronis provides professional guidance and transparent terms at every step. Discover how to legally obtain citizenship or residency and start your journey toward security and stability today. Learn more here.

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